Key Dates in History

What are the key dates in British and World History?

  • 1066 – Hastings
  • 1215 – Magna Carta
  • 1338-1453 – 100 yrs war. Plantagenet vs Valois
  • 1346 – Plague
  • 1455-85 – Roses, York v Lancaster
  • 1485 – Bosworth, start of Tudors
  • 1492 – Columbus
  • 1564 – Shakespeare
  • 1588 – Spanish Armada beaten
  • 1600 – British East India Company in India
  • 1605 – Gunpowder
  • 1642-51 – English civil war
  • 1649 – Charles I executed
  • 1660 – Monarchy restored in England
  • 1665 – Great Plague
  • 1688 – Glorious Revolution in England
  • 1770 – Captain Cook
  • 1775-83 – American War of Independence
  • 1776 – Declaration of American Independence
  • 1789 – French Revolution; George Washington elected
  • 1805 – Battle of Trafalagar and Nelson’s death
  • 1815 – Battle of Waterloo; end of Napolean
  • 1832 – Reforms Bill passed in England
  • 1837 – Queen Victoria’s accession
  • 1861-64 – American Civil War
  • 1863 – Slavery abolished in USA
  • 1865 – Abraham Lincoln assassinated
  • 1896 – Marconi invents radio
  • 1914 – World War I starts
  • 1917 – Russian Revolution
  • 1918 – End of World War I
  • 1919 – Treaty of Versailles
  • 1920 – League of Nations
  • 1933 – Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
  • 1936 – Spanish Civil War begins
  • 1939 – World War II begins
  • 1941 – Pearl Harbour
  • 1945 – UN formed, WWII ends, Hiroshima u0026amp; Nagasaki
  • 1953 – Death of Stalin; Mt. Everest 1st conquered
  • 1965-73 – Vietnam war