Brand Style Guide


Help people reach financial independence by investing into the stock market so they can retire early. Give advice relating to finance, business, web and lifestyle. Deliver concise, useful and up-to-date advice on subjects such as value investing, stock screening tools, building websites, running an online business, saving money, generating new revenue streams, etc.


Reach 100,000 YouTube subscribers


By the end of 2021, reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers, over 4,000 valid public watch hours within the last 12 months and join the YouTube Partner Programme

Target Audience

People who want to become better and smarter at saving their money and investing it into the stock market, so they can retire early. They don’t want to become top experts on the stock market, they just want to learn the easiest way to invest smartly and effectively.

My audience will be

Describe who your customers are and why they need you (i.e. how your products or services solve their problems). If you’ve done market research, include any insights that could help your team communicate more effectively to your customers. Here’s a deeper guide on how to define your target audience.

Personality: Make a list of 3-5 adjectives that describe your brand. This will set the tone for both design and writing. Are you sophisticated or quirky? Classic or trendy? Ask your team for input and perspective.
Tip: It can also be helpful to list 3-5 adjectives that your brand is not. In fact, many advertising agencies begin their branding projects with an “Is / Is Not” exercise.


Honesty, Integrity, Quality, Simplicity, Passion, Humility, Compassion, Positivity, Resourcefulness.

Personal Branding

Logo Dimensions: 240 x 80 Pixels
Logo Dimensions: 480 x 160 Pixels
Logo Dimensions: 960 x 320 Pixels

Favourite Heading Font: Noto Serif (or Lora)
Favourite Body/Base Font: Montserrat

Colour Scheme

Gold cc9933
Blue 0033ff
Light Blue 2093D9


This is an H1 Heading

This is an H2 Heading

This is an H3 Heading

This is an H4 Heading

This is an H5 Heading
This is an H6 Heading

This is paragraph/body text.